Monday, November 27, 2006

Caution: Laughing Ahead!

Ok, this really doesn't belong here, but I couldn't resist...

I dare you to not laugh at this clip - make that a triple dog dare! A true from-the-belly laugh by a baby is something to behold and only those with hearts of stone will not be moved. What makes this truly remarkable is that this little guy goes on for over a minute. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

If it's worth doing

You've heard the old adage - 'if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well'. But just doing well these days isn't enough -- and really shouldn't be enough. Go above and beyond the call of duty and do it outrageously well. I love this post Two simple words of passion..., it captures the essence of what most of us think in our heads but don't verbally express, unless we are flat out impressed.

When it comes to your presentation, think about how you want your audience to react. Do you want them to be bored, mildly engaged or freaked out amazed and dazzled? I suggest you go for freaking cool!

This is interesting

This is not the typical take on making money by blogging...

Matthew's presentation talks about passion as being the key to making money. Passion means that you care deeply about the whatever the subject is, and when you give a damn about something you want to see it succeed. Thus you are motivated to keep it up and continue slogging through day after day. So this blog is about what I give a damn about - powerpoint design and how to fluently communicate a point. Fluent Point.